This is the index of  pages in my site

"Your past is your future" 
"Never regret your mistakes. Learn from them, they only make you a stronger person".
"Don't rush love for it will come at the right time"

It was great to be with you again!

Updated 7/06/05

I can also be reached at

The Perfect Relationship?

Coaches Nights Out
Happy Birthday

The Gang Minus 1
More Special People

Pictures of Special People 

Junkyard Crew

Cruise 2001 Pictures 

2002 Cruise Pictures   

I took away the old photo album because I am updating and adding all new pictures

Bears  My page about bears and Winnie the pooh.

Poems  Poems People sent to add on my site.

Adopted Babies and Pets   Adopted pets and babies I adopted over the net.

Gifts  Gifts I have gotten from friends.

Awards  Awards I have recieved.

Apply  Apply for my awards.

My Webrings  Join one of my webrings.

Webrings  Webrings I belong to.

Winners  People who won my award.

Links  All my favorite links and friends Pages.

Add your link  Add your website link.

Fonts  Fonts I use and like.

Virtual Sea  Come visit my virtual sea.

Valentines Day  My Valentines day page.

Thanksgiving My Thanksgiving day page.

Guestbook  Please sign my guestbook!